The Pages

Page 3

My husband was forty when the ship sank, and his mid life crisis kicked in and he responded very differently. I was used to that. We didn’t respond the same to much of anything, but this was the clear final series of nails in our marriage coffin. This was confirmed by my final act of ripping all the pages called Ephesians out of my never used Bible and slamming it into the tense horrible air between us.

During those years of living in Scotland, I had matching twin girls named Maclean and Mackenzie who did not stay on earth long enough to know me. I had one beautiful son who has stayed long enough to love me back as best he could, but currently hates me. I miscarried one child that I did not know at all, and I did not name, and I did not bury.

After twelve years that marriage was closed for business in a courtroom decree and as much as it needed to be over, I grieved it hugely.

When I moved back to Texas for good, I accidentally started a landscape company that has done well. I am still a landscaper now. I raised my son with good intentions and a poor plan and crazy love and made more than the typical mistakes of a single mom. I also did many things well, but he doesn’t know that yet.

Eleven years after the divorce was final I met my husband, Tank, on an online dating site and we’ve now been married over thirteen years. We have a combined family of six kids. Boy, boy, boy, boy, girl, girl. The youngest is still in college. And in a few weeks when the next one shows us her gorgeous face, our grands will number twelve.

Tank is smart and kind and sometimes quiet and has fears to overcome and afraids that he has conquered. He never refers to any of our collection of children as step or half or anything except our kids. He has blue eyes and mostly he is like Santa in a shy suit.

I had no legitimate reason to run away from home. My bills are manageable and my kids are not in jail. They have jobs or classes and families, and they are healthy. My Tank is genuine and he likes me very much. I am very grateful to be in love with him.